
works best on pc with chrome; made on a 1920x1080 display ⠀⠀⠀⠀ dni vers. 4.0 ⠀⠀⠀⠀from the river to the sea, palestine will be free

WAH! welcome to my site! my place to be myself on the internet without having to worry about anyone but myself and my own motivation! you may call me siff or basil, based on what you know me as!

my own personal project and my own digital tombstone on the vastness of the internet! this site will forever represent me, a labor of love and forever changing alongside myself. as of now, don't expect a consistent layout! i just change whenever i feel like it!


cd player icon   music player !!
shiki icon
dni.lol as a concept ; 2023 - forever!

06/24 took a bit of a break, redid some things

06/08 another index update,
new 404, about finished!

05/27 index overhauled,
new 404 page!

05/18 fixed music player

05/08 dni relaunched!